Juliana and Minato are expecting a little boy!

I had a great time photographing Juliana and her family recently. We met at the Moss Arts Center and then went to the Virginia Tech Duck Pond for the remainder of their session. It was a wonderful time with such a great family!

Juliana and Minato are so excited about their little guy, Theodore, that is one the way! Juliana already has a daughter, Laura. Laura is a senior in high school so this means Juliana has opposite life experiences about to happen! Laura is headed to college and Theo is making his appearance! So much going happening!

Laura is already an awesome big sister! She is so excited to have a little brother after having been an only child all of these years! Juliana describes Laura as “so precious and lovely! She is very sweet and the best daughter that I could dream with!”

Minato is a loving husband and excited to be a new daddy. Juliana describes him as “a big guy with the sweetest heart. He will be the best daddy for our son.” So sweet!

Juliana told me that she and her family love gathering with friends and family. They enjoy parties, particularly if it includes a Brazilian barbecue! They are from Brazil so they enjoy opportunities that remind them of home! Juliana’s family also enjoys traveling and love to plan trips to new and exciting places. Their current activity to do together is planning and arranging Theo’s nursery!

This session was so much fun and I can’t wait to meet Theo when he makes his debut!