The Burnett family!!!

I had a great time meeting up with Bobbi Jo and her beautiful family for a fall session at Claytor Lake! What a gorgeous day and the colors!! Wow!! Bobbi Jo, aka “Granny B” brought her crew for an awesome family session! This included Bobbi Jo, her boyfriend, Larry, Bobbi Jo’s son, Nolon, his wife Jazmine, and their beautiful children, Sadie Rose and Beowulf.

Sadie Rose adores her Granny B! There’s no doubt about that! So cute to see them together.

Bobbi Jo is so proud of her son Nolon and his sweet family. I love to see how very close knit they all are. I am also happy that Larry came along! Bobbi Jo told me that she thought she’d never get Larry in any photographs with her! She finally broke him down after five years of trying! Ha!

Jazmine and Nolon have the cutest kiddos. They are in that fun time life life when they are so full of personality! Sadie Rose stared Pre-K this year and is loving going to school and learning new things. Beowulf is all boy! He is a rough-and-tumble, scraped knees, and dirty shirts kind of kiddo! Adorable! Nolon and Jazmine are also in the planning stages for their wedding in September of 2025!

As a family this crew enjoys large family dinners, cookouts, and birthday parties. Basically any excuse to get together and hang out with one another. They tend to have their family get togethers at the Burnett Farm in Wythe County. Sadie Rose and Beowulf have lots of cousins to play with when they are on the farm; seven in all under the age of eight! According to Bobbi Jo, things can get loud and chaotic, but there is nothing better than seeing the little ones run around the yard together. I bet! They are the sweetest!
More photos!!